If you've been considering moving from manual coffee packaging to automation, you're in the right place! We've seen many businesses transformed by the efficiency increases and throughput gains that result from automating their packaging process. But how do you know which equipment fits your particular situation? When we talk to coffee roasters and producers, their inquiries usually fall into one of 5 main scenarios, for which we recommend 5 main types of packaging equipment.
1. “I want to package liquid coffee into stand up pouch with spout at corner.”
if you wan to package the liquid coffee, our MR8-200RY will meet your requiry. it can package about 30 bags/ min for the spout out pouch

2. “I want to package my coffee into flat bottom/quad seal bags.”
A solid packing machine MR8-200RG is a solid pick for most coffee producers who seek to package their product into the flat bottom/ quad seal bag types which are standard in the industry. You will sacrifice some speed when choosing an intermittent machine but will gain the flexibility to create more complex package styles.
The new bottom open devices can open the bottom/quad seal bags easier to increase the speed.

4. “I want to package ground/powdered coffee into single-serve stick packs.”
A multilane stick pack machine is perfect for packaging ground or powdered coffee products into long, narrow single-serve packs. Because of the multilane setup, your throughput can reach up to 1,600 bags per minute! Don't need nearly that much? Opt for fewer lanes and a smaller model. (But we don’t manufacture this machine)

5. "I want to package coffee into small fractional packs that are then deposited into a large outer bag."
A bag in bag machine MR8-200RG is what the doctor ordered. This machine is consisted of the muti- head weighing, work platform, main machine, and Z- bucket elevator. Which can packages the small sachet into premade bag.
Want to learn more about your coffee packaging? Contact the experts at Merry Sino for a free equipment consultation.