There are several styles of pouches on the market and many things to consider when choosing the right pouch for your product. Many different bag styles can be produced on flexible packaging machines. Packaging equipment is not usually 'off-the-shelf'; each machine is tailored to the unique specifications of the customer. Below is a short summary of the most popular types:
1.PILLOW BAGS are the most widely-used and economical packaging format, comprised of two flat panels sealed together on the top and bottom with a vertical seal down the back. Think chip bags or small packets of coffee found in hotel rooms.

2.DOYPACKS are stand-up pouches with an oval-shaped base. This premium bag type is becoming increasingly popular for specialty food products. Doypack is made from slightly more rigid materials that allow it to stand on its own, making it easier to store and simple to use in a consumer's everyday life. And it usually contain fitments like zipper and pour spouts that can also be resealed and make dispensing liquid products much easier.

3.QUAD SEAL BAGS have a rectangular bottom and can stand unassisted. This bag type has two side gussets and two panels joined together with four vertical seals, providing a more structured bag and modular look. Quad seal bags are often found in the premium section of the coffee aisle.

4.GUSSETED BAGS are similar to pillow bags but have side gussets, offering more internal space.

5.THREE SIDE SEAL BAGS are flat pouches sealed on three sides.

6.SACHETS are small, flat 4-side sealed packets. Think small single-serving packets of sugar and ketchup.

7.STICK PACKS are very narrow pillow bags, used for things like single-serve drink mixes.

There are lots of pouch styles not mentioned in this article. They all function as a barrier between the product and its environment.